kl rear fender 1When you search eBay for rear KL250 fenders you are presented with 44 year old used fenders that look awful. How do you deal with cracks and sunfaded plastic? I saw two for around 30 bucks and they were toast.

I now make replica rear fenders. They are made from fiberglass which normally would be a bad idea but Kawasaki has a metal under-fender which completely protects my glass fender. My fenders aren’t cheap because molding costs and resin are high post-COVID. I’ve kept my margins as low as possible as a result. If you want a really nice looking fender for you KL, these may enhance your bike. As time goes by, I will have them in stock. I won’t be making fronts because there a huge source of plastic fenders from which to choose.

I will sell my rears in KL red and KL blue and white if you want to paint yours a non-standard color. Thanks to one of my KL friends, Jeff Beneduci in Bloomingburg, NY, I now have a blue KL color sample so I can make them in blue. I sell them in two configurations: one with the original holes or just plain with no holes.

kl rear fender 2 kl rear fender 3

Fender, white plain $110
Fender, white holes $120
Fender, color plain $130
Fender, color holes $140

If these can be a help to you, Contact me at 952-607-6063 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..