kl brake shoes 1You can search all over the web for common shoes but darn few are these off-road style shoes with water grooves which generally sell for more. This was something figured out ages ago and proven by enduro competitors. The idea is when you go through water and apply the brakes, the sludge collects in the groves and is sloughed off and the brakes maintain efficiency. I know most KLs are not used off road but some of you may be dual-sport* riders and these shoes will help on a downhill after a water crossing.

Try these--you’ll never go back to smooth shoes again. These shoes do not come from communist China. Contact me at 952-607-6063 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

KL250A Front grooved brake shoes $18.95 pair
KL250A Rear grooved brake shoes $17.95 pair

* A KL is an ideal dual-sport bike. They sip gas (206 miles on a tank) and they don’t weigh a ton like those Trans-Alp monsters. Try picking up one of those monsters on a hard day of riding. If the trails are semi-tight, you’ll keep up with the DRs etc. KLs are perfect for vintage rides too.